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Want to try the Tarsal Joint Distractor? 

Call now and we will arrange a rental period with your surgical facility. 

If you decide to keep the device, the full cost of rental is applied to the facility purchase price.

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 1. Place the arms of the Distractor flush against the periosteum of the bones to be separated.
Note: The arms must be flush on the bone (i.e. bone to steel contact).

2. Using the holes in the Distractor's arms as guides for the K-wires, drive the K-wires through the holes and into the bone.

Note: Use only .062 K-wires or 5/64 (2mm) Steinman pins. There cannot be any ?play' of the K- wires or Steinman pins in the guide holes.

Note: Drive the K-wires through the cortices to avoid uneven distraction of the bone.

3. When the pins are in place, distract the joint by rotating the Distractor's handle.

* This protocol must be followed in this order to avoid bending of K-wires or Steinman pins and to obtain optimal access to the joint.

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All Orthovation/Tarsal Instruments products carry a limited lifetime guarantee to be free of defects in materials and workmanship.

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